Hosea 10:12  Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow (uncultivated) ground, for it is time to seek the Lord till he comes and rains righteousness on you.”

Hosea began his prophetic ministry to the northern kingdom (Israel) at the height of its power and prosperity.  Over a period of four decades he watched the gradual spiritual deterioration of the country and wrote our text as a call to action.  Sadly, his fellow countrymen did not heed his call and a short time later the Assyrians invaded and brought an end to the kingdom.

Hosea’s call can be summarized in one phrase, “Seek the Lord.”  Do a search and see how many times you find the phrase “seek the Lord” in the Bible.  It is an interesting study.  The scriptures admonish us to seek Him with all our heart (determination), to seek his face (His presence), to seek his strength (His power and provision), and to seek with urgency.

Evangelist Randy Ruiz will be our ministry guest this coming Sunday.  He will be ministering in both morning services and in a special 5pm service that evening.  I have no doubt the Holy Spirit has big plans for this weekend in the house of God, and I hope you will make it.  Through my 40 years of pastoral experience, I have noted a consistent pattern:  People who seek the Lord in advance of the revival are the ones who receive the most during the revival.  Let me encourage you to interrupt your schedule and participate in the 7pm Wednesday evening prayer meeting and the 5:00 Saturday evening prayer meeting.

It is time to seek the Lord till He comes and rains righteousness on you.”