Matthew 6:13 “And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

The word temptation in our text has a dual meaning.  It can refer to an inward solicitation to sin, or a testing through external circumstances.  Since the source of the temptation is the evil one (Satan), we know the temptation is designed with the sole purpose of threatening our relationship with God.  Be encouraged with the thought that victory in the time of temptation means we demonstrate commitment to God and His values.

One of the interesting facts about the Lord’s Prayer is that it does not contain the personal pronouns I, me, my or mine.  Instead, it is a request for God to give us this day our daily bread, to forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors, and to lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.” For me to pray this prayer is to pray for you, not me.  It is a demonstration of putting the interest of others ahead of my own.  The prayer of Matthew 6:13 is to pray for God to lead our family and family and friends to spiritual health, that they will honor Him in their thoughts, words and actions.   

On this day I pray for you and your family to prosper spiritually.  I pray for you to remain victorious in every struggle of life.   

Let’s sing: “Praise you, praise you, let my life praise you…”