In my devotional journal in January, I wrote, “What places will God meet me this year?”
That question came after reading the biblical account of the first murder (Genesis 4). Cain, in jealous rage, killed his brother Abel after Abel’s sacrifice to God was accepted and Cain’s sacrifice was not. God pronounced a curse over Cain, that left him homeless. (“You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.”)
Even before he expressed fear about his physical safety, Cain declared his expulsion from the land to be an unbearable punishment. (v. 13) “Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence!”
In reality, we are never hidden from God’s view, and because He is omnipresent, we are never actually out of His presence. But we can be outside the fellowship of our Lord. The “ground” from which Cain was being expelled was the place where he had known God’s presence.
I reflected on places that have held spiritual significance for me. I revisited them mentally and contemplated what God did for me in each of those places. That’s a great exercise! When our son was a teenager, I stumbled onto his homework paper titled “My Favorite Place.” How delighted I was to read that his “favorite place” was the youth room of our church!
It’s an interesting time to be thinking about places of spiritual significance. My husband and I have just returned from Israel, where we visited many biblical sites (i.e. the tomb where Lazarus was resurrected at Jesus’ command, Elah Valley – where David killed Goliath, Cana – where Jesus performed his first miracle, and the list goes on!) Back at home, we’re enduring with everyone else the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. We’re especially saddened that the church cannot have public gatherings, and we are missing the in-person fellowship of our church family.
But it’s a good time to experience a special place of spiritual significance – HOME! A silver lining to isolation is the opportunity to meet God right where you live! If you are not in the habit of daily fellowship with the Lord, this is the time to begin! I predict you are going to love it so much that you will keep it up after life is back to normal and you are longing for a little seclusion!