Our children’s program is designed to encourage this important truth: God loves them and has a purpose for their lives. We present the Gospel in age-appropriate ways so students have the opportunity to respond to the Gospel at any age, and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. We help them build strong foundations of faith and confidence that God will lead them. We want church to be your child’s favorite place!

What will my child experience?
We surround your child with:
- caring teachers and children’s workers.
- Bible stories and Christian values taught at their level.
- games and activities that build character and reinforce learning.
- outings that encourage friendships.
- positive reinforcement for your family’s values.
What’s going on mid week for children at Southwest?
On Wednesday evenings, from 6:30 to 8pm, boys and girls learn life skills and character development during “All-Star Kids”.
MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES. Weekly meetings (Wednesdays @ 6:30pm) typically include games, skill building and character development with Bible emphasis. Students have the opportunity to accumulate badges in this co-ed program that incorporates elements of both Girls Ministry and Boys’ Royal Rangers (Assemblies of God programs.)
MENTORING. Dedicated volunteers have a heart for seeing boys and girls grow into confident men and women of integrity. Parents can have peace of mind knowing that all volunteers have undergone background screening.
WHO CAN JOIN? All-Star Kids is for PreK & elementary students, and there are separate classes for lower and upper grades. Friends are always welcome, and lessons are presented in a way that newcomers and guests will feel included from the start.
IS THERE A COST? There is no cost for the weekly program. We may conduct periodic fundraising activities to provide supplies and materials. Some extra-curricular activities may have admission fees, but we never want cost to prevent a student from participating. Whenever possible, sponsorships are made available.
What about Sunday mornings?
Children’s Worship and Bible Training
Sunday School at 9am is for the whole family! Radiant Life curriculum is utilized and follows a systematic study for a strong Bible foundation.
During our 10:30am Sunday morning service, children in Kindergarten through 6th Grade have their own worship service. During the course of a year, a Bible overview (“The Big God Story”) is presented, incorporating stories from the entire Bible.
We have a fully staffed nursery during Sunday services. Infants, toddlers and preschoolers will experience a safe and comfortable environment, allowing their parents to fully enjoy their time of worship or study.