As an emissary of God, Moses led the Hebrew people out of bondage in Egypt, and delivered to them the Law of God. As an emissary of the people, he called out to God in intercessory prayer. Consider these examples:
In Genesis 18, he interceded for people guilty of the sin of sexual perversion.
In Genesis 20, he interceded for a man to be healed of infirmity.
In Exodus 32, he interceded for people guilty of the sin of idolatry.
In Numbers 11 and 14, he interceded for the people guilty of the sin of grumbling. Grumbling seems rather innocuous compared to the sins of sexual perversion and idolatry, but to God, it was a sin and the people had to be judged.
In Numbers 12 and 16, he interceded for people guilty of the sin of causing division.
In Numbers 27, as he was preparing for the end of his journey here on earth, Moses interceded for his successor who would lead the next generation, Joshua.
We need a Moses for this generation today; someone to intercede for entire communities engrossed in sexual perversion and idolatry, for people involved whose attitudes and words that cause division, for people dealing with infirmity, and for people of the next generation.
In his book entitled PRAYER, E.M. Bounds wrote “Not only is prayer the medium of supply and support, it is a compassionate agency through which the pitying, longsuffering God has an outflow. Prayer is a medium to restrain God’s wrath, allowing mercy to rejoice against judgment.”
You don’t need a pulpit to make an impact on your community, you just need a prayer closet.