Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
“Men ought always pray and not lose heart.” These words of Jesus (Luke 18:1) are followed with his parable of the persistent widow, which illustrates the importance of our commitment to prayer.
Prayer is a partnership. The Holy Spirit prompts us to pray about specific things or to pray for needs in a specific way that we’d previously not considered. The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom (Acts 6), faith to believe for miracles (Acts 10), fills us with joy (Acts 13) and gives us insight (Acts 21).
Prayer is personal. It is a private appointment with the King of kings, Lord of lords and Creator of the universe. It is an opportunity to share with Him your most private thoughts and for Him to share His thoughts with you.
Prayer is also a privilege. Throughout history, those who have carried out God’s divine will on earth have been people of prayer. In his book entitled Prayer, E.M. Bounds said “The man of prayer is God’s right-hand man. In the realm of spiritual affairs, he creates conditions, begins movements and brings things to pass.”
We have a prayer meeting in our sanctuary every Wednesday morning from 6:00 – 8:00 and Wednesday evening from 7:00 – 8:00. I look forward to praying with you!