Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

To dwell means to sit and stay awhile, where you go to really feel alive. As Adam Clarke wrote, “it is here we are covered with the cloud of God’s glory – the protection of the all-sufficient God.”

The Psalmist cites two fascinating places in this verse, the “secret place” and “the shadow of the Almighty. In my mind, they are one and the same. This is that special place where you get alone for an encounter with God. For Daniel it was a room in his home (Daniel 6), for Elijah it was a cave (1 Kings 19), for Jesus it was the Mount of Olives and for the disciples it was an upper room.

Perhaps it is a secret place because it is where you go to be alone with God, where you shut out all the concerns of life and bask in His incredible presence. It is here where you get a change of perspective from how unfair life is to how good God is, from how big the problem is to how big God is. It was here the Psalmist described God as “the Most High” and “the Almighty.”

Let’s sing: “Shut in with God in a secret place, there in the Spirit beholding His face…”